Mexico is a place where often, there are no rules or structure and everything works despite this fact. Case in point is Cuernavaca´s bus system - Las Rutas.
In Cuernavaca there is no published brochure or onlinle information with detailed route maps or pickup times. You simply learn how to get where you need to go by good old-fashioned communication. You might ask the neighborhood laundry washerwoman, fellow bus riders, or even the Ruta driver! Most people here in this large city of 350,000 (as cited in very ¨amable¨ (polite). Several properly designated bus stops dot the landscape along the city´s most travelled arteries. Buses are frequent here so no one looks pressed for time. Curiously, you must use non-verbal cues to signal a ruta driver to pull over. If your agile enough you may even hop on a bus in the middle of the street if traffic is at a standstill. As you approach your destination be sure to signal the bus driver that you are ready to get off the bus by the use of non-verbal cues such as standing or by simply shouting, ¨la parada por favor¨. Rutas don't typically have a buzzer like most US buses.
Rutas are very economical and get you where you want to cost at a cost of 5.50 pesos, about $0.50 USD. But, be forewarned that Rutas are not for the faint of heart. Mexican drivers are notoriously aggressive and make amazing use of side mirror to help them maneuver in and out of lanes. Anything goes here, and aggressive driving is a must if you are to survive on the road.
Ruta drivers communicate with others with frequent beeps of their horns or sometimes they ´holler´at their buddy as they pass a nearby ruta driver.US-style safety does not appear to be a concern here as there are no seatbelts on the rutas, most are converted VW buses with a few seats bolted down.
If rutas are not for you then you can hail a cab for about 2 USD. But, somehow ruta´s are more of an adventure. Just hold on!!