Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Of Narcotraficantes and Men

Recently, I received some emails and a scary pdf about narcotraficantes in Mexico. My older sister told me that the information from the article was not meant to scare me but somehow the visual of decapitated narco heads is still working its' way out of my memory. I also received a haunting voicemail from my eldest brother who warned me to "take the threat seriously." Mexico is not a safe place, he stated unequivocally. You can imagine how I, being the supremely sensitive individual that I am, reacted to the news that my family was giving me. Would the violence in Mexico impact my study/travel sabbatical, I wondered enraged (you can ask Virginia and Miguel Angel). I blamed it all on the narcos. It was their fault that I couldn't go on this study trip, after all. Well, after freaking out I decided that I couldn't let fear control me and that I would go anyway and spend my summer studying in Cuernavaca. I promise to use common sense and really that's all anyone needs to do when they travel. Earlier in my pre-travel journey, I found other issues that occupied my brain and seemed to manifest the rising anxiety I had about traveling. Looking back, it seems the first issue that plagued me was that I was approved for the sabbatical when everybody said it was unlikely given the budget year. But, you can imagine my surprise at being approved for a travel/study sabbatical during one of California's most severe budget crisis in recent memory. My reaction was to feel elation at the thought of not having to get up and go to work for the next 6 months - although part of this time will be spent completing my thesis and learning stuff while I'm away. My second issue was guilt at the colleagues I'd left behind during a possible strike year. Some let me know quite openly that I was lucky to get a sabbatical, indeed I am.


Virginia said...

Okay, I'm officially a "follower" of the Ballenita Azul travel blog.

Seriously, you missed your calling. You should've been a journalist. Now that Walter has passed, I hear there's an opening. (Too soon?)

Miguel Angel Rodriguez said...

I would be more worried of asaltantes and secuestradores. That's a real threat. Narcos usually just kill each other. I went to narco ridden Guerrero and returned unscathed. The thing about narcos is that their barbarity is well publicized and that yellow press really fills the eyes of the fear ridden and ignorant. Besides I would be more scared of dying of a terrorist attack in Spain. Or here in the US for that matter. Don't travel. Don't leave your house. Jajaja.

Anonymous said...

Hay, Al Fin, I can now leave you my comment : )
To follow up on Miguel Angel Rodriguez' comment (also the name of my best friend from Washington High in S.F., is that you?), mi familia in el D.F. have told me of the dangers in Mexico which I want to share with you. This is meant to inform you only, not to scare you, as I will possibly also be making a trip to el D.F. in a few weeks.
Secuestradores are everywhere in Mexico, D.F. included. They take people from all walks of life, from the peasants to the famous, for whatever ransome they can get. Just be careful, this is a beautiful and rich country with lots to offer. One of the tips they gave that they got from the government is that they don't email photos of themselves to me because there are lots of hackers there and they can then see who you are and track you down. This may or may not apply to you but since they are Mexican Nationals they take this tip seriously.
On a lighter note; you're blog is awesome. I can't wait to read more and am happy to see you doing this to advance your studies. Like I mentioned, I may be going to el D.F. in a few weeks, hopefully I'll be able to read your blog there too and maybe we can have a few tacos al pastor from one of the many street vendors and a roasted corn on the cob in Chapultapec Park.

ballenita azul said...


Thanks for the commentary - it's very much appreciated. My friend Miguel Angel grew up in LA so not likely to be your high school buddy. I will email you what days i plan to be in DF. Cuidate.